UsefulInfo:麗星郵輪─天秤星號郵輪 首航馬公20070705

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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952

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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea

Revision as of 02:41, 5 July 2007; view current revision
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麗星郵輪─天秤星號郵輪 首航馬公

  ︻ 記者黃政義報導︼大船入港!麗星郵輪旗下四萬三千兩百二十噸的高級豪華郵輪││天秤星號郵輪,昨天凌晨載運了一千一百餘名國內外觀光旅客由基隆港駛抵了馬公港外海,並在兩艘由海軍拖船所扮演的迎賓船噴起了水柱下,緩緩地駛進馬公商港第一號碼頭停靠,隨著天秤星號豪華郵輪一起抵達馬公港的立法委員林炳坤伉儷是第一批下船的﹁旅客﹂,林立委說:天秤星號豪華郵輪在海上行駛相當的平穩、舒適,且在船上有相當多的娛樂設施,可以讓乘客遊玩,而,天秤星號郵輪在海上行駛當中,乘客毫無任何的感覺,更談不上暈船,可以說是國人出國旅遊最佳的選擇;由於天秤星號豪華郵輪上有CASINO的娛樂設施,林炳坤立委坦誠昨天在船上曾經到過船上的CASINO﹁消遣﹂一下,贏了﹁五百元美金﹂,算是他此行最大的收穫。









