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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea
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Revision as of 05:47, 15 April 2006 Ebee (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
Current revision Smilelong (Talk | contribs) |
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- | [[Image:雙湖園-01.jpg|thumb|370px|left|205縣道上頭的雙湖園入口,門口停了不少機車,其實並非入園參觀的,而是阿兵哥偷騎車車啦!]] | + | =='''返回[[雙湖園]]'''== |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-02.JPG|thumb|370px|right|從納骨塔旁的涼亭拍攝菜園廢棄魚塭,等到冬日芒草轉白的時後,可以來這邊拍整片白茫茫的景致]] | + | |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-03.jpg|thumb|370px|left|雙湖園因為位處菜園水源地,所以綠化起來特別得心應手,園內各式草木十分茂盛]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-01.jpg|thumb|320px|left|205縣道上頭的雙湖園入口,門口停了不少機車,其實並非入園參觀的,而是阿兵哥偷騎車車啦!]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-04.JPG|thumb|370px|right|雙湖園九如橋全景,好強的偏光鏡啊,這裡的湖水其實沒有那麼藍啦]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-02.JPG|thumb|320px|right|從納骨塔旁的涼亭拍攝菜園廢棄魚塭,等到冬日芒草轉白的時候,可以來這邊拍整片白茫茫的景致]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-05.jpg|thumb|370px|left|水波不興]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-03.jpg|thumb|320px|left|雙湖園因為位處菜園水源地,所以綠化起來特別得心應手,園內各式草木十分茂盛]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-06.jpg|thumb|370px|right|說真的雙湖園還真少人會過來,不要說遊客了,即使當地人也很少人會過來散步,我就是喜歡這種被冷落的寧靜]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-04.JPG|thumb|320px|right|雙湖園九曲橋全景,好強的偏光鏡啊,這裡的湖水其實沒有那麼藍啦]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-07.jpg|thumb|370px|left|照片中曲橋的盡頭處就是賞鳥亭,站長喜歡下午到亭內躺在石椅上頭睡個午覺]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-05.jpg|thumb|320px|left|水波不興]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園-08.jpg|thumb|370px|right|水中有不少吳郭魚囉,不過有立牌子寫:不可釣魚!哈!]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-06.jpg|thumb|320px|right|說真的雙湖園還真少人會過來,不要說遊客了,即使當地人也很少人會過來散步,偏偏我就是喜歡這種被冷落的寧靜]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園魚塭-01.jpg|thumb|370px|left|廢棄的菜園魚塭,以前這裡可是養了很多魚跟牡蠣,現在都廢棄調了]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-07.jpg|thumb|320px|left|照片中曲橋的盡頭處就是賞鳥亭,站長喜歡下午到亭內躺在石椅上頭睡個午覺]] |
- | [[Image:雙湖園魚塭-02.jpg|thumb|370px|right|廢棄的魚塭加上潮間帶跟濕地的豐富生物資源,所以雙湖園成為候鳥與留鳥皆愛選擇的覓食生態空間]] | + | [[Image:雙湖園-08.jpg|thumb|320px|right|水中有不少吳郭魚囉,不過有立牌子寫:不可釣魚!哈!]] |
+ | [[Image:雙湖園魚塭-01.jpg|thumb|320px|left|廢棄的菜園魚塭,以前這裡可是養了很多魚跟牡蠣,現在都廢棄掉了]] | ||
+ | [[Image:雙湖園魚塭-02.jpg|thumb|320px|right|廢棄的魚塭加上潮間帶跟濕地的豐富生物資源,所以雙湖園成為候鳥與留鳥皆愛選擇的覓食生態空間]] |
Current revision