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From PHSea
(Difference between revisions)
Revision as of 05:53, 8 April 2008 Quicksands (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
Current revision Smilelong (Talk | contribs) 石泉黃昏堤防 moved to Spots:石泉黃昏堤防 |
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**建議在傍晚時分可以來此段海堤漫步,漲潮時會有垂釣客於海堤尾端揮竿,半漲潮時時會有漁夫下海去定置網收網抓魚,退潮時會有村民來此抓螃蟹!夕陽時,金色海面與隨波蕩漾的漁舟風情,讓這片海堤更顯得輕鬆,這裡的夕照雖然不像西嶼落霞那麼壯闊有特色,但卻更有悠然的感覺! | **建議在傍晚時分可以來此段海堤漫步,漲潮時會有垂釣客於海堤尾端揮竿,半漲潮時時會有漁夫下海去定置網收網抓魚,退潮時會有村民來此抓螃蟹!夕陽時,金色海面與隨波蕩漾的漁舟風情,讓這片海堤更顯得輕鬆,這裡的夕照雖然不像西嶼落霞那麼壯闊有特色,但卻更有悠然的感覺! | ||
*8住宿[[澎湖船屋民宿]]的板友可以在退潮時跟著陳扶氣大哥下海去抓螃蟹或是去定置網收魚,順道享受一下當漁民的樂趣! | *8住宿[[澎湖船屋民宿]]的板友可以在退潮時跟著陳扶氣大哥下海去抓螃蟹或是去定置網收魚,順道享受一下當漁民的樂趣! | ||
- | [[Image:石海101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|石泉海堤成排的小漁船]] |
- | [[Image:石海102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|這邊大多是村民娛樂性質的釣魚船艇]] |
- | [[Image:石海103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|黃昏時很是何來此看夕陽]] |
- | [[Image:石海104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|船屋民宿藝術茶室二樓]] |
- | [[Image:石海105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|寺廟藝術茶室望出去的石泉內海堤]] |
- | [[Image:石海106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|寺廟藝術茶室二樓望出去的石泉外海堤]] |
- | [[Image:石海107.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海109.jpg|320px|right|thumb|要走風之徑就是走205縣道]] |
- | [[Image:石海108.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海110.jpg|320px|left|thumb|看到路邊有這艘木船就可以看見旁邊入口]] |
- | [[Image:石海109.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海111.jpg|320px|right|thumb|入口處還有風車指引]] |
- | [[Image:石海110.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海112.jpg|320px|left|thumb|跟著這車子進入的方向就是往風之徑船屋民宿]] |
- | [[Image:石海111.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海113.jpg|320px|right|thumb|乾淨的石泉海堤]] |
- | [[Image:石海112.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海114.jpg|320px|left|thumb|石泉海堤一直延伸入內海]] |
- | [[Image:石海113.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海115.jpg|320px|right|thumb|海堤]] |
- | [[Image:石海114.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海116.jpg|320px|left|thumb|海堤]] |
- | [[Image:石海115.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海117.jpg|320px|right|thumb|港區內有不少定置網]] |
- | [[Image:石海116.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海118.jpg|320px|left|thumb|這些定置網最大的魚貨是象魚]] |
- | [[Image:石海117.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海119.jpg|320px|right|thumb|石泉海堤的尾巴]] |
- | [[Image:石海118.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海120.jpg|320px|left|thumb|對面可以望見南環的鎖港山水等等]] |
- | [[Image:石海119.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海121.jpg|320px|right|thumb|快退潮了要去收定置網的魚]] |
- | [[Image:石海120.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海122.jpg|320px|left|thumb|這是船屋民宿老闆的竹筏]] |
- | [[Image:石海121.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:石海122.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | |
[[Image:石海123.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | [[Image:石海123.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | ||
- | [[Image:石海124.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海124.jpg|320px|left|thumb|下午三點多太陽好大啊]] |
- | [[Image:石海125.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海125.jpg|320px|right|thumb|看夕陽的地方]] |
- | [[Image:石海126.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海126.jpg|320px|left|thumb|看夕陽的地方]] |
- | [[Image:石海127.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海127.jpg|320px|right|thumb|看夕陽的地方]] |
- | [[Image:石海128.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:石海128.jpg|320px|left|thumb|日頭會從這邊落下]] |
+ | [[Image:石海107.jpg|320px|right|thumb|石泉海堤通往菜園社區的海堤道路]] | ||
+ | [[Image:石海108.jpg|320px|left|thumb|晚上會有藝術登裝飾點亮]] | ||
+ | |||
+ | [[Image:定置103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|船屋民宿陳扶氣大哥的公子]] | ||
+ | [[Image:定置104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|父子兩一起收定置網的魚貨]] | ||
+ | [[Image:定置105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|住宿船屋民宿可以請陳大哥帶著體驗收定置網]] | ||
+ | [[Image:定置106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|象魚]] | ||
[[Image:定置101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | [[Image:定置101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | ||
- | [[Image:定置102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:定置102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|陳扶氣]] |
- | [[Image:定置103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:定置104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:定置105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:定置106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + |
Current revision
- 地點:石泉海景夕陽堤防
- 位置:205縣道旁,風之徑秘徑景點,距離市區約15分鐘車程
- 介紹:
- 沿著石泉風車碼頭向南延伸入海的一段長長海堤,當地人喜歡騎著腳踏車於傍晚在此悠閒運動吹海風,遊客卻鮮少有機會享受這段海堤的悠閒!
- 數百公尺的海堤直灌入澎湖內海,海堤是簡單乾淨的水泥白,海堤兩旁是解放的藍色海洋,幾條小漁船,簡單乾淨、速度與遠離、蔚藍悠閒,就是這段海堤最好的詮釋!
- 建議在傍晚時分可以來此段海堤漫步,漲潮時會有垂釣客於海堤尾端揮竿,半漲潮時時會有漁夫下海去定置網收網抓魚,退潮時會有村民來此抓螃蟹!夕陽時,金色海面與隨波蕩漾的漁舟風情,讓這片海堤更顯得輕鬆,這裡的夕照雖然不像西嶼落霞那麼壯闊有特色,但卻更有悠然的感覺!
- 8住宿澎湖船屋民宿的板友可以在退潮時跟著陳扶氣大哥下海去抓螃蟹或是去定置網收魚,順道享受一下當漁民的樂趣!