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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea
(Difference between revisions)
Revision as of 04:00, 8 January 2008 Quicksands (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
Current revision Quicksands (Talk | contribs) |
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- | [[Image:朵思101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | == 返回[[朵思咖啡簡餐]] == |
- | [[Image:朵思102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:朵思103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | |
- | [[Image:朵思104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思101.jpg|320px|right|thumb|新鮮蔬食的綜合沙拉]] |
- | [[Image:朵思105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思102.jpg|320px|left|thumb|套餐的蔬菜清湯]] |
- | [[Image:朵思106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思103.jpg|320px|right|thumb|套餐的主餐部分包括三樣小菜和一樣肉品]] |
- | [[Image:朵思107.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思104.jpg|320px|left|thumb|滑嫩清淡而有濃郁牛肉香的紅燒牛腩]] |
- | [[Image:朵思108.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思105.jpg|320px|right|thumb|主菜搭配的章魚黃瓜]] |
- | [[Image:朵思109.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思106.jpg|320px|left|thumb|主菜搭配的炸澎湖狗蝦]] |
- | [[Image:朵思110.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思107.jpg|320px|right|thumb|主菜搭配的野菜]] |
- | [[Image:朵思111.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思108.jpg|320px|left|thumb|另外一道主菜類似日式炸豬排]] |
- | [[Image:朵思112.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思109.jpg|320px|right|thumb|筷子紙套上的朵思章印]] |
- | [[Image:朵思113.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思110.jpg|320px|left|thumb|餐後現榨的柳橙汁]] |
- | [[Image:朵思114.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思111.jpg|320px|right|thumb|老闆媽媽煮的紅豆湯圓,十分濃稠]] |
- | [[Image:朵思115.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思112.jpg|320px|left|thumb|餐後水果]] |
- | [[Image:朵思116.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思113.jpg|320px|right|thumb|二樓廁所門口的擺設]] |
- | [[Image:朵思117.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思114.jpg|320px|left|thumb|朵思的招牌很有藝術感]] |
- | [[Image:朵思118.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思115.jpg|320px|right|thumb|一樓吧台區也可以坐著用餐]] |
- | [[Image:朵思119.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思116.jpg|320px|left|thumb|夜晚的朵思門面有點PUB的味道]] |
- | [[Image:朵思120.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思119.jpg|320px|right|thumb|餐前沙拉]] |
- | [[Image:朵思121.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思120.jpg|320px|left|thumb|朵思套餐附贈的咖啡品質很不賴]] |
- | [[Image:朵思122.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思401.jpg|320px|right|thumb|朵思套餐與簡餐的菜單]] |
- | [[Image:朵思123.jpg|320px|right|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思402.jpg|320px|left|thumb|2008老闆娘又新增了不少飲料可以選擇]] |
- | [[Image:朵思124.jpg|320px|left|thumb|]] | + | [[Image:朵思403.jpg|320px|right|thumb|朵思裡頭以鮮花點綴]] |
+ | [[Image:朵思404.jpg|320px|left|thumb|細心的老闆娘即使樓聽間也加以裝飾]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思405.jpg|320px|right|thumb|一樓吧台旁有著許多可愛的咖啡杯]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思406.jpg|320px|left|thumb|吧台區有不少異國旅遊書可以借閱]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思407.jpg|320px|right|thumb|杯架區有不少咖啡杯是朵思的老顧客寄放的專屬咖啡杯]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思121.jpg|320px|right|thumb|朵思裡頭養著好幾盆美艷鮮花]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思122.jpg|320px|left|thumb|清雅的廁所內部]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思123.jpg|320px|right|thumb|菜單主要提供四種套餐選則]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思124.jpg|320px|left|thumb|招牌]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思117.jpg|320px|right|thumb|白天的朵思大門外景]] | ||
+ | [[Image:朵思118.jpg|320px|left|thumb|朵思二樓素雅的用餐空間以原木打構]] |
Current revision