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From PHSea
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Revision as of 13:18, 20 September 2006 CARNNIE (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
Current revision CARNNIE (Talk | contribs) |
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- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-43.jpg|320px|thumb|left|弗洛伊得店門口]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-44.jpg|320px|thumb|right|弗洛伊得招牌]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-41.jpg|320px|thumb|right|弗洛伊得就在玉山銀行對面]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-42.jpg|320px|thumb|right|櫃檯旁有販賣高級雪茄,供行家購買]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-45.jpg|320px|thumb|left|弗洛伊得]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-1.jpg|320px|thumb|left|請專人打造的船型吧檯]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-2.jpg|320px|thumb|right|各式酒類]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-3.jpg|320px|thumb|left|店內空間適合三五好友相聚飲酒聊天]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-6.jpg|320px|thumb|right|吧檯正前方的塗鴉牆是請澎湖當地藝術家塗繪的]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-7.jpg|320px|thumb|left|最裡面的牆上貼滿了遠方老友們的問候語]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-8.jpg|320px|thumb|right|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-9.jpg|320px|thumb|left|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-10.jpg|320px|thumb|right|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-11.jpg|320px|thumb|left|藏酒]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-12.jpg|320px|thumb|right|包廂]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-28.jpg|320px|thumb|left|前來消費的一位外國畫家突然起了作畫興致,老闆便馬上將桌子上的漆擦掉,讓畫家在桌子上即興作畫,圖中所繪是美國已故知名黑人歌手--雷‧查爾斯]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-14.jpg|320px|thumb|right|各國好友特地為老闆收集許多小東西,這些則是車牌]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-15.jpg|320px|thumb|left|倒懸的高腳瓶折射出炫目的彩光,令人神醉]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-17.jpg|320px|thumb|right|招牌酒:冰山美人。別懷疑,她正吐著藍色火焰]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-16.jpg|320px|thumb|left|招牌酒:絕對掛]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-18.jpg|320px|thumb|right|藏酒]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-19.jpg|320px|thumb|left|藏酒]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-13.jpg|320px|thumb|left|老闆將空酒瓶拿來做為裝飾燈,很有特色]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-20.jpg|320px|thumb|right|酒瓶裝飾燈]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-21.jpg|320px|thumb|left|透過酒瓶的燈光,有種昏朦的美]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-22.jpg|320px|thumb|right|角落的牛車輪,是澎湖文化的象徵之一]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-23.jpg|320px|thumb|left|這是有數十年歷史的八角舵,非常稀有珍貴]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-26.jpg|320px|thumb|right|開罐器上方的可愛裝飾]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-25.jpg|320px|thumb|left|老闆所收集的各國開罐器,有數十個之多]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-24.jpg|320px|thumb|right|鑲嵌在船型吧檯前端的水羅盤,已有七十年歷史,這是早期航海時代所使用的老式羅盤]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-27.jpg|320px|thumb|left|這個玻璃球是早期澎湖漁民用來做浮標的捕魚器具,像這麼大的玻璃球,現在已經少見,中正路尾端有一家藝品店亦在店外掛了幾顆差不多大的玻璃球作為裝飾品]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-29.jpg|320px|thumb|right|老闆所珍藏的老東西]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-30.jpg|320px|thumb|right|擁有幾十年歷史的電羅盤]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-31.jpg|320px|thumb|left|店門口角落的檜木桶,是美國知名酒廠"傑克丹尼爾"的負責人自美國空運來台送給弗洛伊得老闆的,價值不菲]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-32.jpg|320px|thumb|right|船長室]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-33.jpg|320px|thumb|left|船長室的寶箱]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-34.jpg|320px|thumb|right|船長室裝飾]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-35.jpg|320px|thumb|left|這是在淡水舉辦的全國第一屆風帆比賽的獎盃]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-36.jpg|320px|thumb|right|船長室牆上也有畫家即興作畫]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-37.jpg|320px|thumb|left|懸掛於船長室的老式油燈]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-38.jpg|320px|thumb|right|船錨]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-5.jpg|320px|thumb|left|船長室]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-4.jpg|320px|thumb|right|這面牆記載了弗洛伊得的「歷史」]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-39.jpg|320px|thumb|left|天花板上有一個七美雙心石滬造型的霓虹燈,只可惜故障中]] | + | |
- | [[Image:弗洛伊得-40.jpg|320px|thumb|right|弗洛伊得]] | + |