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From PHSea
(Difference between revisions)
Revision as of 15:56, 3 May 2006 Ebee (Talk | contribs) 花菜干傳統式飲食堂照片導覽 moved to PHSeaFood:花菜干傳統式飲食堂照片導覽 ← Previous diff |
Current revision Chiehjay (Talk | contribs) |
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- | + | [[Image:花菜干-01.jpg|thumb|320px|right|紅磚砌成的牆壁,加上巨幅的門板神祉畫像,把用餐環境帶回50年代]] | |
- | + | [[Image:花菜干-02.jpg|thumb|320px|left|牆壁櫥窗內都是一些傳統的陶甕器皿]] | |
- | + | [[Image:花菜干-03.jpg|thumb|320px|right|正廳仍保留神案,一進屋內就有著原始古老而自然的感覺]] | |
- | [[Image:花菜干-01.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-04.jpg|thumb|320px|left|左間仔的用餐空間,這裡蒐羅了許多40年代到60年代家庭用品]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-02.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-05.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干餐廳內最大的一間間仔,可以容納二十人同時用餐]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-03.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-06.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干免費提供客人暢飲的[[風茹茶]],炎炎夏日喝起來特別解口鎮暑]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-04.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-07.jpg|thumb|320px|right|這就是很有客家風味的酸瓜炒肉,真的滿酸的囉]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-05.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-08.jpg|thumb|320px|left|澎湖茼蒿,會有專題介紹,要吃澎湖茼蒿得等冬季來澎湖才有機會]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-06.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-09.jpg|thumb|320px|right|高麗菜酸煮魚,這也是澎湖名菜,高麗菜酸沒有像酸瓜那樣的酸,煮鮮魚比較不會奪走鮮魚的甜味]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-07.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-10.jpg|thumb|320px|left|這就是主菜花菜干,十分有咬勁的一道菜餚]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-08.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-11.jpg|thumb|320px|right|炒[[鹹小管]]]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-09.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-12.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干菜單]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-10.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-13.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干菜單]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-11.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-14.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干菜單]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-12.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-15.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干菜單]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-13.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-16.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干古厝的主體架構主要是玄武岩跟紅磚混合式建築,感覺起來特別穩重持當]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-14.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-17.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干門口的蓄水池,也是用玄武岩砌成的]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-15.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-18.jpg|thumb|320px|left|正門]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-16.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-19.jpg|thumb|320px|right|保留澎湖60年代紗窗式外拉木門的特色,真的很有到爺爺老家用餐的感覺]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-17.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-20.jpg|thumb|320px|left|開喜婆婆。花菜干內蒐集了不少這些玩偶,包括大同寶寶、郵差娃娃等等]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-18.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-21.jpg|thumb|320px|right|老闆說:我要猶抱琵琶半遮面,神龍見首不見尾。所以我只好拍他的倩影了]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-19.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | |
- | [[Image:花菜干-20.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | |
- | [[Image:花菜干-21.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | |
[[Image:花菜干-22.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | [[Image:花菜干-22.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | ||
[[Image:花菜干-23.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | [[Image:花菜干-23.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | ||
- | [[Image:花菜干-24.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-24.jpg|thumb|320px|left|古厝內牆壁上貼滿了50年代的電影海報跟唱盤外裝紙]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-25.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-25.jpg|thumb|320px|right|炒花菜干]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-26.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-26.jpg|thumb|320px|left|酸瓜炒肉]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-31.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-31.jpg|thumb|320px|right|這就是可以當湯喝也可以拌飯的石舉排骨湯]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-28.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-28.jpg|thumb|320px|left|炒鹹小管]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-29.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-29.jpg|thumb|320px|right|外行人會以為是蔥蛋的小管煎蛋,還有人跟老闆吵說「蔥蛋也能算是一盤菜唷?!」]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-30.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-30.jpg|thumb|320px|left|小管煎蛋]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-32.jpg|thumb|320px|right|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-32.jpg|thumb|320px|right|這一桌菜色都是澎湖傳統家常菜餚]] |
- | [[Image:花菜干-27.jpg|thumb|320px|left|花菜干]] | + | [[Image:花菜干-27.jpg|thumb|320px|left|站長說到口渴了,來一杯[[風茹茶]]解渴]] |
Current revision


