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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
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Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
Strict Standards: Non-static method MagicWord::get() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /var/www/html/mediawiki/includes/Parser.php on line 1952
From PHSea
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Revision as of 04:44, 18 April 2006 Ebee (Talk | contribs) ← Previous diff |
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- | [[Image:裡正角-01.jpg|thumb|370px|right|上頭雖然寫著台灣光復紀念碑,可是被政府改掉的,這是如假包換的日軍登陸時設立的紀念碑]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-01.jpg|thumb|320px|right|上頭雖然寫著台灣光復紀念碑,可是被政府改掉的,這是如假包換的日軍登陸時設立的紀念碑]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-02.jpg|thumb|370px|left|裡正角沙灘右邊有大片的玄武岩礁石,左方則是沙灘地形]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-02.jpg|thumb|320px|left|裡正角沙灘右邊有大片的玄武岩礁石,左方則是沙灘地形]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-03.jpg|thumb|370px|right|沙灘因為鮮少有人跡涉足,也感覺比較原始味道]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-03.jpg|thumb|320px|right|沙灘因為鮮少有人跡涉足,也感覺比較原始味道]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-04.jpg|thumb|370px|left|這個日軍登陸紀念碑是後期設立的,屬於冒牌貨]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-04.jpg|thumb|320px|left|這個日軍登陸紀念碑是後期設立的,屬於冒牌貨]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-10.jpg|thumb|370px|right|幽浮這張裡正角夕陽可真把裡正角處理得有點戰火雲煙後的味道]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-10.jpg|thumb|320px|right|幽浮這張裡正角夕陽可真把裡正角處理得有點戰火雲煙後的味道]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-12.jpg|thumb|370px|left|沙灘上的漂流木應該是來自台灣西岸,因為這裡已經接近澎湖本島正東的位置]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-12.jpg|thumb|320px|left|沙灘上的漂流木應該是來自台灣西岸,因為這裡已經接近澎湖本島正東的位置]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-07.jpg|thumb|370px|right|比較正常的暮色,夕陽的方向就是西方,說明裡正角座西北朝東南的方位]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-07.jpg|thumb|320px|right|比較正常的暮色,夕陽的方向就是西方,說明裡正角座西北朝東南的方位]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-08.jpg|thumb|370px|left|裡正角海域佈滿礁石,海水清澈,適合浮潛跟釣魚,可是不適合一般遊客游泳囉]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-08.jpg|thumb|320px|left|裡正角海域佈滿礁石,海水清澈,適合浮潛跟釣魚,可是不適合一般遊客游泳囉]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-09.jpg|thumb|370px|right|澎湖不知道會不會被消波塊給吞掉,感覺似乎該有或不該有的海岸都會有一堆消波塊]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-09.jpg|thumb|320px|right|澎湖不知道會不會被消波塊給吞掉,感覺似乎該有或不該有的海岸都會有一堆消波塊]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-06.jpg|thumb|370px|left|幽浮這張照片想表達什麼? XD]] | + | [[Image:裡正角-11.jpg|thumb|320px|right|夕陽下的裡正角沙灘]] |
- | [[Image:裡正角-11.jpg|thumb|370px|right|夕陽下的裡正角沙灘]] | + |